Home > Projects > Balance-IT
With intelligent cameras, it is now possible to capture images of people adequate for motion analysis without requiring body worn sensors. These ambient sensing technologies have enormous potential for innovation in healthcare products (eHealth applications).
In the ‘Balance-IT’ project four applications were selected: fall-detection, wander-detection, fitness and physiotherapy. In cooperation with the ‘Kempenhaeghe’ centre, the use of smart cameras in detecting falls during epileptic fits is being studied. In partnership with care group Amsta, the Digital Life Centre is investigating cameras for wander-detection in a nursing home. In cooperation with the ‘Digifit’ company camera-based systems are being developed for fitness applications. In collaboration with the NHL University of Applied Sciences a game is being developed based on the ‘stand up and go exercise’. These applications are all based on the same concept: human body movement and stability analysis using intelligent camera technologies.
More information and datasets:
Images & Video
Fusion of color and depth camera data for robust fall detection
(2013 )Wouter Josemans, Gwenn Englebienne & Ben KröseProceedings of VISAPP'13 download
Cameratoezicht voor valdetectie: het ValLab als onderzoekslab voor WO en HBO studenten
(2011 )Tim van Oosterhout & Ben KröseNederlands Informatica Onderwijs Congres (NIOC)'11 download
Head detection in stereo data for people counting and segmentation
(2011 )Tim van Oosterhout, Sander Bakkes & Ben KröseProceedings of VISAPP'11 download
Video surveillance for behaviour monitoring in home health care
(2014 )Ben J.A. Kröse, Tim van Oosterhout & Gwenn EnglebienneMeasuring Behavior 2014 download