Publicaties (wetenschappelijk)

Social Acceptance of Smart Glasses in Health Care: Model Evaluation Study of Anticipated Adoption and Social Interaction

Niek Zuidhof, Oscar Peters, Peter-Paul Verbeek & Somaya Ben Allouch (2025)JMIR Formative Research Vol 9 (49610),JMIR Publications,1-17 download » External link

Human-Centered AI for Dementia Care: Using Reinforcement Learning for Personalized Interventions Support in Eating and Drinking Scenarios

Wen-Tseng Chang, Shihan Wang, Stephanie Kramer, Michel Oey, Somaya Ben Allouch (2024)HHAI 2024,IOS Press,Malmö, Sweden,84 - 93 download » External link

Back to School - Sustaining Recurring Child-Robot Educational Interactions After a Long Break

Mike Ligthart, Simone de Droog, Marianne Bossema, Lamia Elloumi, Mirjam de Haas, Matthijs Smakman, Koen Hindriks & Somaya Ben Allouch (2024)HRI '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM/IEEE,ACM,433–442 download » External link

Predicting long-term neurocognitive outcome after pediatric intensive care unit admission for bronchiolitis—preliminary exploration of the potential of machine learning

Eleonore de Sonnaville, Jacob Vermeule, Kjeld Oostra, Hennie Knoester, Job van Woensel, Somaya Ben Allouch, Jaap Oosterlaan & Marsh Kӧnigs (2023)European Journal of Pediatrics,Springer Nature download » External link

Playfulness and New Technologies in Hand Therapy for Children With Cerebral Palsy: Scoping Review

Tamara Veronica Pinos Cisneros, Annette Brons, Ben Kröse, Ben Schouten & Geke Ludden (2023)JMIR Serious Games 11,JMIR Publications,1-24 download » External link

AI in the Human Loop: The Impact of Differences in Digital Assistant Roles on the Personal Values of Users

Shakila Shayan, Marlies van Steenbergen, Koen van Turnhout, Zelda Zeegers, Somaya Ben Allouch, Maaike Harbers, Guido Evertzen, Janna Bruijning, Wieke van Boxtel & Katarina Jerkovich (2023)HCI - INTERACT'23,Springer,York, United Kingdom,239–249 » External link

Augmenting outpatient alcohol treatment as usual with online approach bias modification training: A double-blind randomized controlled trial

Melissa Laurens, Marloes Postel, Marjolein Brusse - Keizer, Marcel Pieterse, Somaya Ben Allouch, Ernst Bohlmeijer & Elske Salemink (2023)ScienceDirect (142),Elsevier,1-8 download » External link

Design Specifications for a Social Robot Math Tutor - 'Best Studies Paper Award - Runner up'

Mike Ligthart, Simone de Droog, Marianne Bossema, Lamia Elloumi, Kees Hoogland, Matthijs Smakman, Koen Hindriks & Somaya Ben Allouch (2023)HRI '23,ACM,321-330 download » External link

Designing a Smartphone Exergame for Children with Cerebral Palsy in the Home Environment

Max Alberts, Ellen de Ridder, Joris Lodewijks, Tamara Pinos Cisneros, Kayleigh Schoorl, Albert Ali Salah & Ben Schouten (2022)CHI PLAY '22,ACM,Bremen, Germany,183-188 download » External link

Impact sociale robots in de ouderenzorg: positieve uitkomsten langdurige gebruikersstudie bij professionals en cliënten

Somaya Ben Allouch, Jeroen Wildenbeest & Jeanine Wesselink - Huesken (2022)ICT&health (5),ICT&health,1-2 download

Exploring requirements and opportunities for social robots in primary mathematics education

Lamia Elloumi, Marianne Bossema, Simone de Droog, Matthijs Smakman, Stan van Ginkel, Mike Ligthart, Kees Hoogland, Koen Hindriks & Somaya Ben Allouch (2022)31th IEEE RO-MAN '22,IEEE Xplore,Naples, Italy,316-322 download

Perspectives on the acceptance and social implications of smart glasses: a qualitative focus group study in healthcare

Niek Zuidhof, Somaya Ben Allouch, Oscar Peters & Peter-Paul Verbeek (2022)International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction,Taylor & Francis Group - Informa UK Limited,1-12 download » External link

Raamwerk en toolkit meten impact e-health bij mensen met visuele beperking

Joey van der Bie, Nienke Nijhof & Somaya Ben Allouch (2022)ICT&health (4),ICT&health,14-17 download

Translating Promoting Factors and Behavior Change Principles Into a Blended and Technology-Supported Intervention to Stimulate Physical Activity in Children With Asthma (Foxfit): Design Study

Annette Brons, Katja Braam, Aline Broekema, Annieck Timmerman, Karel Millenaar, Raoul Engelbert, Ben Kröse & Bart Visser (2022)Journal of Medical Internet Research Formative Research 6(7),JMIR Publications,1-22 download » External link

A co-creation approach to implementing eHealth applications in care organizations: lessons learned from multiple cases

Saskia Robben, Michel Oey, Margriet Pol, Sanne Muiser, Paulien Melis & Somaya Ben Allouch (2022)IMPSCI '22,South London, United Kingdom

AI and the Conditions of Design: Towards A New Set of Design Ideals

Elisa Giaccardi, Chris Speed, Johan Redström, Somaya Ben Allouch & Irina Shklovski (2022)DRS Biennal Conference Series,DRS Digital Library,Bilbao,1-9 download » External link

Trust in Clinical AI: Expanding the Unit of Analysis (nominated for best paper award)

Jacob Browne, Saskia Bakker, Bin Yu, Peter Lloyd & Somaya Ben Allouch (2022)HHAI 2022,Amsterdam,1-18 download

Developing an Intelligent Environment to Support People with Early-Stage Dementia: from User-Needs to a Real-Life Prototype

Anne Grave, Saskia Robben, Michel Oey, Somaya Ben Allouch & Masi Mohammadi (2022)Applied Human Informatics: Open Journal of the Academy of Human Informatics 4(1),Academy of Human Informatics,1-18 download

‘That is a place where I would want to go’: investigating digital nature to enhance social wellbeing among older adults

Josca van Houwelingen - Snippe, Somaya Ben Allouch & Thomas van Rompay (2022)Ageing & Society (2022),Cambridge University Press,1-24 download » External link

Co-creating hybrid toys as an approach to understand children’s needs in play experience

Tamara Pinos Cisneros, Felipe Escobar Vega, Ben Kröse, Ben Schouten & Geke Ludden (2021)Young Children’s Rights in a Digital World: Play, Design and Practice,Springer Nature,219 - 236

Requirement elicitation and prototype development of an intelligent environment to support people with early dementia

Anne Grave, Saskia Robben, Michel Oey, Somaya Ben Allouch & Masi Mohammadi (2021)IE '21,IEEE,Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The use of a tablet to increase older adults’ exercise adherence

Sumit Mehra, Jantine van den Helder, Ben Kröse, Raoul Engelbert, Peter Weijs & Bart Visser (2021)International Conference on Persuasive Technology,Springer Nature,47-54

Behoeftes rondom (beweeg)activiteiten bij ouderen in tijden van Corona: Contextuele informatie inwinnen over behoeftes rondom bewegen, activiteiten en technologie bij ouderen met een co-creatieve toolkit op afstand

Berber Nauta, Marije Kanis, Bart Visser, Somaya Ben Allouch & Daniël Bossen (2021)Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oefentherapie, Jaargang 17 juni 2021, Nummer 2,Performis,26-31 download

The relevance of diet, physical activity, exercise, and persuasive technology in the prevention and treatment of sarcopenic obesity in older adults

Josje Schoufour, Michael Tieland, Rocco Barazzoni, Somaya Ben Allouch, Joey van der Bie, Yves Boirie, Alfonso Cruz - Jentoft, Doris Eglseer, Eva Topinkova, Bart Visser, Trudy Voortman, Amalia Tsagari & Peter Weijs (2021)Frontiers in Nutrition 8,Frontiers,1-8 download » External link

New approaches for participation in digital society in distant times of COVID-19

Marije Kanis, Joey van der Bie, Berber Nauta, Manon den Dunnen & Somaya Ben Allouch (2021)Proceedings of CHI'21 workshop on Digital citizenship download

Assessing children’s fine motor skills with sensor-augmented toys: Machine Learning approach

Annette Brons, Antoine de Schipper, Svetlana Mironcika, Huub Toussaint, Ben Schouten, Sander Bakkes & Ben Kröse (2021)Journal of Medical Internet Research 23(4),JMIR Publications,1-12 download

Development and evaluation of a blended home-based exercise intervention for older adults

Sumit Mehra (2021)PhD thesis,UvA Digital Academic Repository,1-185 download

Acceptance of Technologies for Aging in Place: A Conceptual Model

Christina Jaschinski, Somaya Ben Allouch, Oscar Peters, Ricardo Cachucho & Jan van Dijk (2021)Journal of Medical Internet Research 23(3),JMIR Publications,1-16 download » External link

Education and training of nurses in the use of advanced medical technologies in home care related to patient safety: A cross-sectional survey

Ingrid ten Haken, Somaya Ben Allouch & Wim van Harten (2021)Nurse Education Today 100 (2021),Elsevier,1-8 download

Virtual Reality representations of nature to improve well-being amongst older adults: a rapid review

Josca Van Houwelingen ‑ Snippe, Somaya Ben Allouch & Thomas Van Rompay (2021)Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science,Springer,1-21 download

The design and development of a personalized leisure time physical activity application based on behavior change theories, end-user perceptions, and principles from empirical data mining

Karlijn Sporrel, Rémi de Boer, Shihan Wang, Nicky Nibbeling, Monique Simons, Marije Deutekom, Dick Ettema, Paula Castro, Victor Zuniga Dourado & Ben Kröse (2021)Digital Public Health 8,Frontiers in Public Health,1-19 download

How interoperable is our semantic model and for who?

Niek van Ulzen, Anne de Jong, Marije Kanis, Marco Roos, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Nuria Quaralt-Rosinach, Ronald Cornet (2020)International FAIR Convergence Symposium 2020 download

Ontwerprichtlijnen voor het eTop systeem: Inventarisatie voor een toegankelijk online content management systeem voor informatie over de gevolgen van prematuriteit en voor ouders van het Top programma

Joey van der Bie, Sergio Bondietti, Monique Flierman, Rosa de Boer & Daniel Bossen (2020)Digital Life Centre - Hogeschool van Amsterdam,1-20 download

Outpatient smoking cessation: preliminary findings of a non-inferiority RCT comparing blended with face-to-face delivery mode

Lutz Siemer, Marcel Pieterse, Somaya Ben Allouch, Marloes Postel, Robbert Sanderman & Marjolein Brusse - Keizer (2020)European Respiratory Journal 56(64),ERS | publications » External link

Effects of a blended home-based exercise program and dietary protein intervention on physical performance in community-dwelling older adults: a cluster randomized controlled trial

Jantine van den Helder, Sumit Mehra, Carliene van Dronkelaar, Gerben ter Riet, Michael Tieland, Bart Visser, Ben Kröse, Raoul Engelbert, Peter Weijs (2020)Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 11(6),John Wiley & Sons,1590-1602 download

Aging and physical activity: A qualitative study of basic psychological needs and motivation in a blended home-based exercise program for older adults

Sumit Mehra, Jantine van den Helder, Ben Kröse, Raoul Engelbert, Peter Weijs & Bart Visser (2020)Betsy Ng & Gloria Ho (Eds),Springer,127-144

The design and development of a personalized physical activity application based on behavior change principles, incorporating the views of end-users and applying empirical data-mining

Karlijn Sporrel, Rémi de Boer, Shihan Wang, Nicky Nibbeling, Monique Simons, Marije Deutekom, Dick Ettema, Paula Castro, Victor Dourado & Ben Kröse (2020),Frontiers in Public Health

Feeling connected after experiencing digital nature: A Survey Study

Josca van Houwelingen - Snippe, Thomas van Rompay & Somaya Ben Allouch (2020)International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(18),MDPI AG,1-16 download

Introduction to the Special issue on the Mutual shaping of Human–Robot Interaction

Somaya Ben Allouch, Maartje de Graaf & Selma Sabanovic (2020)International Journal of Social Robotics,Springer Nature,843-845 download

Adherence to blended or Face-to-Face smoking cessation treatment and predictors of adherence: Randomized Controlled Trial

Lutz Siemer, Marjolein Brusse - Keizer, Marloes Postel, Somaya Ben Allouch, Robbert Sanderman & Marcel Pieterse (2020)Journal of Medical Internet Research 22(7),JMIR Publications,1-18 download

Evaluation of a blended physical activity intervention for older adults: Mixed methods study

Sumit Mehra, Jantine van den Helder, Bart Visser, Raoul Engelbert, Peter Weijs & Ben Krose (2020)Journal of Medical Internet Research 22(7),JMIR Publications,1-13 download

The influence of privacy on the acceptance of technologies for assisted living

Christina Jaschinski, Somaya Ben Allouch, Oscar Peters & Jan van Dijk (2020)HCII 2020,Springer, Cham,Copenhagen, Denmark,463-473

Hand rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy: from clinical settings to home environment

Tamara Pinos Cisneros, Ben Kröse, Ben Schouten & Geke Ludden (2020)Proceedings of Design 4 Health '20,Amsterdam,65-72 download » External link

Lessons learned from co-creating a personal wayfinding app with people with a visual impairment

Joey van der Bie, Christina Jaschinski, Somaya Ben Allouch (2020)Volume 4, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam, 2020,Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University,Amsterdam, the Netherlands,34-42 download » External link

Reporting incidents involving the use of advanced medical technologies by nurses in home care: a cross-sectional survey and an analysis of registration data

Ingrid ten Haken, Somaya Ben Allouch & Wim van Harten (2020)BMJ Quality & Safety,BMJ Publishing Group Ltd,1-8 download

Blended face-to-face and web-based smoking cessation treatment: a description of patients’ user experience

Lutz Siemer, Somaya Ben Allouch, Marcel Pieterse, Marjolein Brusse - Keizer, Robbert Sanderman & Maloes Postel (2020)Journal of Medical Internet Research,JMIR Publications,1-30 download

The blockchain and the commons: Dilemmas in the design of local platforms

Nazli Cila, Gabriele Ferri, Martijn de Waal, Inte Gloerich & Tara Karpinski (2020)Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,Honolulu, Hi, USA,1-14 download

Alcohol avoidance training as a mobile app for problem drinkers: Longitudinal feasibility study

Melissa Laurens, Marcel Pieterse, Marjolein Brusse - Keizer, Elske Salemink, Somaya Ben Allouch, Ernst Bohlmeijer & Marloes Postel (2020)JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU) 8(4),JMIR Publications,1-13 download

Effectiveness of serious games to increase physical activity in children with a chronic disease: Systematic review with meta-analysis

Daniël Bossen, Aline Broekema, Bart Visser, Annette Brons, Annieck Timmerman, Faridi van Etten - Jamaludin, Katja Braam & Raoul Engelbert (2020)JMIR 22(4),Journal of Medical Internet Research,1-14 download

Does digital nature enhance social aspirations? An experimental study

Josca van Houwelingen - Snippe, Thomas van Rompay, Menno de Jong & Somaya Ben Allouch (2020)International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(1454),MDPI,1-18 download

Promoting factors for physical activity in children with asthma explored through concept mapping

Annette Brons, Katja Braam, Annieck Timmerman, Aline Broekema, Bart Visser, Bart van Ewijk, Suzanne Terheggen - Lagro, Niels Rutjes, Hellen van Leersum, Raoul Engelbert, Ben Krose, Mai Chinapaw & Teatske Altenburg (2019)International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(22),MDPI,4467 download

A theoretical framework to study long-term use of smart eyewear

Niek Zuidhof, Somaya Ben Allouch, Oscar Peters & Peter-Paul Verbeek (2019)UbiComp | ISWC 2019,ACM Press,New York, USA,667-670

Sidewalk, a wayfinding message syntax for people with a Visual Impairment

Joey van der Bie, Christina Jaschinski & Somaya Ben Allouch (2019)ASSETS 2019,ACM,Pittsburg, United States of America download » External link

Communicating multimodal wayfinding messages for Visually Impaired People via wearables

Joey van der Bie, Christina Jaschinski & Somaya Ben Allouch (2019)MobileHCI'19,ACM,Taipei, Taiwan download » External link

Supporting Older Adults in Exercising With a Tablet: A Usability Study

Sumit Mehra, Bart Visser, Nazli Cila, Jantine van den Helder, Raoul Engelbert, Peter Weijs & Ben Kröse (2019)JMIR Human Factors 6(1),JMIR Publications

Effectiveness of sensor monitoring in a rehabilitation program for older patients after hip fracture: the SO-HIP three-arm stepped wedge randomized trial

Margriet Pol, Gerben ter Riet, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Ben Kröse & Bianca Buurman (2019)Age and Ageing,Oxford Academic download » External link

Sensor monitoring to measure and support activities of daily living for independently living older persons

Margriet Pol (2019)Faculty of Medicine | AMC University of Amsterdam download » External link

Everyday life after a hip fracture: What community-living older adults perceive as most beneficial for their recovery

Margriet Pol, Sebastiaan Peek, Fenna van Nes, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Bianca Buurman & Ben Kröse (2019)Age and Ageing 2019, Volume 48, Issue 3,Oxford Academic,440–447 download » External link

Physical sensemaking: Crafting for an invisible world of data

Marije Kanis (2019)Proceedings of CHI2019 Workshop: Troubling Innovation: Craft and Computing Across Boundaries,Glasgow, Scotland download

How is the caregiver doing? Capturing caregivers’ experiences with a reflective toolkit

Lilian Bosch, Marije Kanis, Julia Dunn, Kearsley Stewart & Ben Kröse (2019)JMIR Mental Health 6(5), Special issue CHI 2019 4th Symposium on Computing and Mental Health: Designing Ethical eMental Health Services download » External link

Supporting older adults in exercising with a tablet: A usability study

Sumit Mehra, Bart Visser, Nazli Cila, Jantine van den Helder, Raoul Engelbert, Peter Weijs & Ben Kröse (2019)JMIR Human Factors 6(1),JMIR Publications,1-17 download » External link

The Internet of Things: Reflections on the past, present and future from a user centered and smart environment perspective

J. Chin, V. Callaghan & Somaya Ben Allouch (2018)Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. ISSN 1876-1364

A digitally supported home-based exercise training program and dietary protein intervention for community dwelling older adults: protocol of the cluster randomised controlled VITAMIN trial

Jantine van den Helder, Carliene van Dronkelaar, Michael Tieland, Sumit Mehra, Tessa Dadema, Bart Visser, Ben Kröse, Raoul Engelbert & Peter Weijs (2018)BMC Geriatrics 18(1),Springer Nature,1-10 download

Het gedragsveranderingswiel: 8 stappen naar succesvolle interventies

Susan Michie, Lou Atkins & Robert West (2018)Hanneke Goosen, Koen van 't Hof & Sumit Mehra (Eds),Amsterdam University Press,1-288

Towards an accessible pre-screening tool for fall risk assessment: automated gait analysis using a machine-learning approach

Aukje de Vrijer & Saskia Robben (2018)European Falls Festival 2018,Manchester,72

Movement registration and analysis for fall risk assessment in the hospital: lessons from an observational pilot study

Saskia Robben, Kim Ploegmakers, Aukje de Vrijer & Nathalie van der Velde (2018)European Falls Festival 2018,Manchester,63

Socio-technical systems for citizen empowerment: how to mediate between different expectations and levels of participation in the design of civic apps

Naomi Bueno De Mesquita, Nazli Cila, Maarten Groen & Wouter Meys (2018)International Journal of Electronic Governance,172-195 » External link

Near future cities of things: addressing dilemmas through design fiction

Maria Luce Lupetti, Nazli Cila & Iskander Smit (2018)NordiCHI '18 Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,ACM,Oslo, Norway,787-800

Suitable and sustainable health game development through the Concept Mapping method

Annette Brons (2018)9e Games for Health Europe Congres,Eindhoven, Netherlands

A data-driven study on preferred situations for running

Shihan Wang, Joris Alexander Timmer, Simon Scheider, Karlijn Sporrel, Zeynep Akata, Ben Kröse (2018),ACM,Singapore,283-286 download » External link

Translating behavior change principles into a blended exercise intervention for older adults: design study

Sumit Mehra, Bart Visser, T. Dadema, J. van den Helder, Raoul Engelbert, Peter Weijs, & Ben Kröse (2018)JMIR research protocols, 7(5),JMIR » External link

Deep learning to predict falls in older adults based on daily-life trunk accelerometry

Nait Aicha, A., Englebienne, G., van Schooten, K. S., Pijnappels, M., & Kröse, B. (2018)Sensors , 18(5),MDPI,1654 » External link

SO-HIP studie Sensoren bij de revalidatie na een heupfractuur

Margriet Pol, Ben Kröse & Bianca Buurman (2018)Geriatriedagen 2018,s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands

Smart toys design opportunities for measuring children's fine motor skills development

Svetlana Mironcika, Antoine de Schipper, Annette Brons, Huub Toussaint, Ben Kröse & Ben Schouten (2018)Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction,Association for Computing Machinery,Stockholm,349 - 356 download

Blockchain city: Exploring possible futures with design fiction, technology probes and experience prototyping

Nazli Cila (2018)In A Lab of Labs: Methods and Approaches for a Human-Centered Design. de Waal, M. & Ferri, G. (eds.).,Amsterdam Creative Industries Publishing,Amsterdam,59-67

FIT decision aid: Matching the needs of people with dementia and caregivers with products and services

Nazli Cila, Hester van Zuthem, Fleur Thomése, Wilma Otten, Franka Meiland & Ben Kröse (2017)IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,Springer,Mumbai, India,442-452

Delta features from ambient sensor data are good predictors of change in functional health

Saskia Robben, Gwenn Englebienne & Ben Kröse (2017)IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 21(4),IEEE,986-993 » External link

Better wayfinding for visually impaired people: Integrating haptic feedback via a smartwatch

Joey Van der Bie, Christina Jaschinski, Timon Van Hasselt, Jan Koopman, Somaya Ben Allouch & Ben Kröse (2017)Paper presented at Vision 2017,The Hague, The Netherlands download

Detecting delays in motor skill development of children through data analysis of a smart play device

Jörg Sander, Antoine de Schipper, Annette Brons, Svetlana Mironcika, Huub Toussaint, Ben Schouten, Ben Kröse (2017)Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare,EAI,Barcelona, Spain download

Products as Agents: Metaphors for Designing the Products of the IoT Age

Nazli Cila, Iskander Smit, Elisa Giaccardi, & Ben Kröse (2017)Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,ACM,448-459 » External link

Continuous measuring of the indoor walking speed of older adults living alone

Ahmed Nait Aicha, Gwenn Englebiene & Ben Kröse (2017)J Ambient Intell Human Comput., doi:10.1007/s12652-017-0456-x,Springer,1-11 » External link

Effectiveness of sensor monitoring in an occupational therapy rehabilitation program for older individuals after hip fracture, the SO-HIP trial: study protocol of a three-arm stepped wedge cluster randomized trial

Margriet C. Pol, Gerben ter Riet, Margot van Hartingsveldt, Ben Kröse, Sophia de Rooij and Bianca Buurman (2017)BMC health services research,BioMed Central,3

Unsupervised visit detection in smart homes

Ahmed Nait Aicha, Gwenn Englebienne & Ben Krose (2017)Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal (Volume 34),Elsevier,157–167 » External link

Attitudes of Older Adults in a Group-Based Exercise Program Toward a Blended Intervention; A Focus-Group Study

Sumit Mehra, Tessa Dadema, Ben Kröse, Bart Visser, Raoul Engelbert, Jantine van den Helder & Peter Weijs (2016)Frontiers in Psychology 7,Frontiers,1-7 download

Things as Co-ethnographers: Implications of a Thing Perspective for Design and Anthropology

Elisa Giaccardi, Chris Speed, Nazli Cila & Melissa Caldwell (2016)Design Anthropological Futures,Bloomsbury Academic » External link

Thing Ethnography: Doing Design Research with Non-Humans

Elisa Giaccardi, Nazli Cila, Chris Speed & Melissa Caldwell (2016)Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS '16),Brisbane, Australia

Attitudes of Older Adults in a Group-Based Exercise Program Toward a Blended Intervention; A Focus-Group Study

Sumit Mehra, Tessa Dadema, Ben Kröse, Bart Visser, Raoul Engelbert, Jantine van den Helder & Peter Weijs (2016)Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1827,1-7 » External link

Motiveren tot bewegen met beweeg-apps als BAMBEA

Nicky Nibbeling, Joey van der Bie, Ben Krose, Marije Baart De La Faille-Deutekom (2016)Dag van Sportonderzoek 2016,Hanse Hogeschool,Groningen,113-115 download

InteliRun: Ontwikkeling van een evidence-based en gepersonaliseerde hardloop-app

Joan Dallinga , Joey van der Bie, Ben Kröse & Marije Baart de la Faille – Deutekom (2016)Dag van Sportonderzoek 2016,Hanze Hogeschool,Groningen,35 download

Guiding the visually impaired through the environment with Beacons

Joey van der Bie, Britte Visser, Jordy Matsari, Mijnisha Singh, Timon van Hasselt, Jan Koopman & Ben Kröse, (2016)Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct,ACM,Heidelberg, Germany,385-388 » External link

Expert knowledge for modeling functional health from sensor data

Saskia Robben, Margriet Pol, Bianca Buurman & Ben Kröse (2016)Methods of Information in Medicine,Schattauer Publishers » External link

Measuring regularity in daily behavior for the purpose of detecting alzheimer

Saskia Robben, Ahmed Nait Aicha & Ben Kröse (2016)PervasiveHealth 2016,Cancún, Mexico download

Hipperbox: A portable toolbox for rehabilitation from a hip surgery using sensors

Ahmed Nait Aicha, Sven Haitjema & Pascal Wiggers (2016)Proceedings of Pervasive Health 2016,ACM,Cancun, Mexico download

Integrating meta-information into recurrent neural network language models

Yangyang Shi, Martha Larsona, Joris Pelemans, Catholijn M. Jonker, Patrick Wambacq, Pascal Wiggers & Kris Demuynck (2015)Speech Communication 73,Elsevier,64-80 » External link

Look! A healthy neighborhood: Means to motivate participants in using an app for monitoring community health

Nazli Cila, Guido Jansen, Maarten Groen, Wouter Meys, Lea den Broeder & Ben Kröse (2016)Extended Abstracts of CHI 2016,ACM,San Jose, CA,889-898 download

Design opportunities for supporting informal caregivers

Lilian Bosch & Marije Kanis (2016)Extended abstracts of CHI 2016,ACM,San Jose,2790-2797 download

Attitudes towards vertical farming at home: A user study

Guido Jansen, Nazli Cila, Marije Kanis & Yanti Slaats (2016)Extended Abstracts of CHI 2016,ACM,San Jose,3091-3098 download

Continuous gait velocity analysis using ambient sensors in a smart home

Ahmed Nait Aicha, Gwenn Englebienne and Ben Krose (2015)Proceedings of AmI'15 (Ambient Intelligence conference),Springer,Athens, Greece download

Managing flexible care with a context aware system for ageing-in-place

Saskia Robben, Lilian Bosch, Marije Kanis, Jasmien Decancq & Pascal Wiggers (2015)EAI Endorsed Transactions on Context-aware Systems and Applications 15(5) download » External link

Happy Running? Using the accelerometer to predict the affective state of a runner

Joey van der Bie & Ben Kröse, (2015)Proceedings of AmI'15 (Ambient Intelligence conference),Springer,Athens, Greece download

Behavior Analysis for Elderly

Albert Ali Salah, Ben J.A. Kröse & Diane J. Cook (2015)Human Behavior Understanding,Springer International Publishing, 2015,1-10 download

How are you doing? Enabling older adults to enrich sensor data with subjective input

Marije Kanis, Saskia Robben & Ben Kröse (2015)Proceedings of Ubicomp 2015, Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding (HBU): Behavior analysis for the elderly,Springer,Osaka, Japan download

Should public displays be interactive? Evaluating the impact of interactivity on audience engagement

Mettina Veenstra, Niels Wouters, Marije Kanis, Stephan Brandenburg, Kevin te Raa, Bart Wigger & Andrew Vande Moere (2015)Proceedings of the international symposium on pervasive displays (PerDis) 2015,ACM,Saarbrücken, Germany download

Managing flexible care with a context aware system for ageing-in-place

Saskia Robben, Lilian Bosch, Marije Kanis, Jasmien Decancq & Pascal Wiggers (2015)Pervasive Health 2015 Workshop on Process-oriented approach for patient-centered care delivery (PROCARE),Istanbul, Turkey download

RARE: people detection in crowded passages by range image reconstruction

Tim van Oosterhout, Gwenn Englebienne and Ben Kröse (2015)Machine Vision and Applications,Springer Berlin Heidelberg,1-15 » External link

Behavior analysis of elderly using topic models

Kristin Rieping, Gwenn Englebienne & Ben Kröse (2014)Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 15,Elsevier,181-199 » External link

Older people's perspectives regarding the use of sensor monitoring in their home

Margriet Pol, Fenna van Nes, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Bianca Buurman, Sophia de Rooij & Ben Krose (2014)The Gerontologist,Gerontological Society of America download

Quo vadis?: Persuasive computing using real time queue information

Wouter Meys & Maarten Groen (2014)Urb-IoT '14,ACM,Rome, Italy download

Video surveillance for behaviour monitoring in home health care

Ben J.A. Kröse, Tim van Oosterhout & Gwenn Englebienne (2014)Measuring Behavior 2014 download

Longitudinal ambient sensor monitoring for functional health assessments: A case study

Saskia Robben, Margriet Pol, Ben Kröse (2014)UBICOMP '14 Adjunct proceedings,ACM,Seattle,1209-1216 download

Modeling Visit Behaviour in Smart Homes using Unsupervised Learning

Ahmed Nait Aicha, Gwenn Englebienne & Ben Kröse (2014)UBICOMP '14 Adjunct proceedings,ACM,Seattle,1193-1200 download

In-Home Activity Recognition: Bayesian Inference in Hidden Markov Models

Francisco Ordonez, Gwenn Englebienne, Paula de Toledo, Tim van Kasteren, Araceli Sanchis & Ben Kröse (2014)IEEE Pervasive Computing 13 (3),IEEE,67-75 » External link

A digital coach for self-tracking athletes

Antoine Hogenboom, Iskander Smit & Ben Kröse (2014)Proceedings of Eurohaptics 2014,Versailles, France download

New Interdisciplinary Design of Pervasive Healthcare Applications (IDPHA) workshop

Jan Van Ooteghem, Femke Ongenae, An Jacobs, Marije Kanis & Pascal Wiggers (2014)Proceedings of Pervasive Health 2014 » External link

New approaches for engaging seniors in pervasive technology design (workshop cards)

Marije Kanis, et al. (2014)Proceedings of CHI 2014 Workshop on Participatory design for people with cognitive and sensory impairments,Toronto, Canada download

Handboek schermen in de publieke ruimte: van intentie tot gebruik

Mettina Veenstra & Niels Wouters (red). Met bijdragen van Marcel Bolten, Marco van Hout, Hans ter Burg, Bert Pinkster, Marije Kanis, Denisse Iglesias, et al. (2014),NAi,Amsterdam » External link

Designing for self-reflection on values for improved life decisions

Alina Huldtgren, Pascal Wiggers & Catholijn Jonker (2014)Interacting with Computers 26(1),27-45

Sensor monitoring to measure and support daily functioning for independently living older people: A systematic review and road map for further development

Margriet Pol, Soemitro Poerbodipoero, Saskia Robben, Joost Daams, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Rien de Vos, Sophia de Rooij, Ben Kröse & Bianca Buurman (2013)Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (61) 12,The American Geriatrics Society,2219–2227 download » External link

Using an interactive model for designing public displays

Marije Kanis, Chantal Steur, Wouter Kievit, Steven Versluis, Duane Blaauw, Marcel Bolten & Mettina Veenstra (2013)Proceedings of Geodesign Summit Europe 2013,Geofort, Herwijnen, NL download

Classifying the socio-situational settings of transcripts of spoken discourses

Yangyang Shi, Pascal Wiggers & Catholijn Jonker (2013)Speech Communication 55(10),Elsevier,988–1002

Care4Balance: Balancing informal care through multi-stakeholder service design

Ann Ackaert, An Jacobs, Karen Willems, Saskia Robben, Marije Kanis, Martijn Vastenburg & Ziad Nehme (2013)Proceedings of AAL 2013 forum,Norrköping, Sweden

K-component adaptive recurrent neural network language models

Yangyang Shi, Martha Larson, Pascal Wiggers & Catholijn Jonker (2013)proceedings of Text, Speech and Dialogues 2013,Springer,Plzen, Czech Republic,311-318

Creating smart information services for tourists by means of dynamic open data

Maarten Groen, Wouter Meys & Mettina Veenstra (2013)Adjunct proceedings of UbiComp '13,ACM,1329-1330 download

How lonely is your grandma? Detecting the visits to assisted living elderly from wireless sensor network data

Ahmed Nait Aicha, Gwenn Englebienne & Ben Kröse (2013)Adjunct proceedings of UbiComp '13,ACM,1285-1294 download

Exploiting the succeeding words in recurrent neural network language models

Yangyang Shi, Martha Larson, Pascal Wiggers & Catholijn Jonker (2013)Interspeech 2013,Lyon, France

Towards tactile expressions of touch through mediated touch

Gijs Huisman & Aduén Darriba Frederiks (2013)Abstracts of CHI'13,ACM,Paris, France,1575-1580 download

Longitudinal residential ambient monitoring: Correlating sensor data to functional health status

Saskia Robben & Ben Krose (2013)Proceedings of Pervasive Health'13,Venice, Italy download

Identifying and visualizing relevant deviations in longitudinal sensor patterns for care professionals

Saskia Robben, Mario Boot, Marije Kanis & Ben Kröse (2013)Pervasive Health'13 International workshop on lifelogging for pervasive health,Venice, Italy download

Sensor monitoring in the home: Giving voice to elderly people

Marije Kanis, Saskia Robben, Judith Hagen, Anne Bimmerman, Natasja Wagelaar & Ben Kröse (2013)Proceedings of Pervasive Health '13,Venice, Italy download

The effect of priming pictures and videos on a question–answer dialog scenario in a virtual environment

Chao Qu, Willem-Paul Brinkman, Pascal Wiggers & Ingrid Heynderickx (2013)Presence 22(2),MIT Press Journals,91-109

Fusion of color and depth camera data for robust fall detection

Wouter Josemans, Gwenn Englebienne & Ben Kröse (2013)Proceedings of VISAPP'13,SCITE PRESS,608-613 download

Self touch to touch others: Designing the tactile sleeve for social touch

Gijs Huisman, Aduen Darriba Frederiks, Betsy van Dijk, Ben Kröse & Dirk Heylen (2013)Proceedings of TEI’13,Barcelona, Spain

Reducing dementia related wandering behaviour with an interactive wall

Saskia Robben, Kyra Bergman, Sven Haitjema, Yannick de Lange & Ben Kröse (2012)Proceedings of AmI'12,Springer,Pisa, Italy,296-303 download

Designing persuasive interactive environments: A hands-on workshop to explore interactivity and persuasion in design

Marco Rozendaal, Aadjan van der Helm, Walter Aprile, Arnold Vermeeren, Tilde Bekker, Marije Kanis & Wouter Middendorf (2012)Proceedings of AmI'12,Springer,Pisa, Italy download » External link

The garden: choice and temptation

Tim van Oosterhout (2012)AMI'12 workshop on Designing persuasive interactive environments (position paper),Pisa, Italy download » External link

Living Labs as educational tool for ambient intelligence

Ben Krose, Mettina Veenstra, Saskia Robben & Marije Kanis (2012)Proceedings of AmI'12,Springer,Pisa, Italy,356-363 download

Co-design in real-world settings for addressing varying community needs

Marije Kanis (2012)United we act. A scoping study and a symposium on connected communities, Joelle Bitton, Andrea Cavaco, Layla Gaye & Ben Jones (Eds),Lulu,Newcastle, UK » External link

How is grandma doing? Predicting functional health status from binary ambient sensor data

Saskia Robben, Gwen Englebienne, Margriet Pol & Ben Kröse (2012)Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence for Gerontechnology '12,Washington, USA,26-31 download

Visualizing ambient user experiences: Any how

Marije Kanis, Saskia Robben, Mettina Veenstra & Ben Kröse (2012)Proceedings of Workshop on Crafting urban camouflage, DIS 2012, New Castle, UK,Newcastle, UK download

Miniature play: Using an interactive dollhouse to demonstrate ambient interactions in the home

Marije Kanis, Saskia Robben & Ben Kröse (2012)Proceedings of DIS '12,Newcastle, UK download

ITour: Using ambient intelligence to support tourism

Sean Alizadeh, Marije Kanis & Mettina Veenstra (2012)Proceedings of Measuring behavior '12,Utrecht, NL download

How busy is my supervisor? Detecting the visits in the office of my supervisor using a sensor network

Ahmed Nait Aicha, Gwenn Englebienne & Ben Kröse (2012)Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments,ACM,Crete, Greece download

Studying screen interactions long-term: The library as a case

Marije Kanis, Maarten Groen, Wouter Meys & Mettina Veenstra (2012)Proceedings of International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis 2012),Porto, Portugal download

The TaSST - Tactile Sleeve for Social Touch

Gijs Huisman, Aduen Darriba Frederiks, Betsy van Dijk, Ben Kröse & Dirk Heylen (2012)Proceedings of World Haptics Conference'13,IEEE,Deajon, Korea,211-216 download

People counting with stereo cameras: two template-based solutions

Tim van Oosterhout, Ben Kröse & Gwenn Englebienne (2012)Proceedings of VISAPP'12,SCITE PRESS,Rome, Italy,404-408 download

Ambient monitoring from an elderly-centred design perspective: What, who and how

Marije Kanis, Sean Alizadeh, Jesse Groen, Milad Khalili, Saskia Robben, Sander Bakkes & Ben Kröse (2011)Proceedings of AmI'11,Springer,Amsterdam, NL download

Patient and proxy rating agreements on the Activities of Daily Living and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living of acutely hospitalized older patients

Margriet Pol, Bianca Buurman, Rien de Vos & Sophia de Rooij (2011)Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Beyond advertising: Large displays for supporting people’s needs and activities in public space

Mettina Veenstra, Marije Kanis, Maarten Groen, Wouter Meys & Wout Slakhorst (2011)CHI'11 Workshop on Large displays in urban life,Vancouver, Canada download

BiebBeep: an interactive screen for supporting public Library 2.0 information and social services

Marije Kanis, Wouter Meys, Mettina Veenstra, Maarten Groen & Wout Slakhorst (2011)CHI'11 Extended abstracts,ACM,Vancouver, Canada,515 download » External link

Cameratoezicht voor valdetectie: het ValLab als onderzoekslab voor WO en HBO studenten

Tim van Oosterhout & Ben Kröse (2011)Nederlands Informatica Onderwijs Congres (NIOC)'11,Heerlen, NL download

Telemonitoring for assisted living residences: The medical specialists' view

Sean Alizadeh, Sander Bakkes, Marije Kanis, Marijn Rijken & Ben Kröse (2011)Proceedings of Med-e-Tel'11,75-78 download

Head detection in stereo data for people counting and segmentation

Tim van Oosterhout, Sander Bakkes & Ben Kröse (2011)Proceedings of VISAPP'11,SCITE PRESS,Vilamoura, Portugal,620-625 download

Navigating on Handheld Displays: Dynamic versus Static Peephole Navigation

Sumit Mehra, Peter Werkhoven & Marcel Worring (2006)ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 13(4),ACM Journals,448-457 download

Serie onderzoek en psychotherapie: Interapy. Diagnostiek en geprotocolleerde behandeling van welomschreven stoornissen via internet

Alfred Lange, Bart Schrieken, Rinke Scheijde, Janneke Broeksteeg, Jeroen Ruwaard, Menno Schrijver, Sumit Mehra, Jean-Pierre van de Ven & Paul Emmelkamp (2005)Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie 31(5),Springer Nature,215-227 download


Nieuwe data A4's voor datafysicalisatie

Marije Kanis, Astrid Lubsen-Van Roij & Monique Pijls (2022),Samen zichtbaar duurzaam - Zichtbaar slimmer (V3.1),Amsterdam download

Businesscase Toolkit eHealth Gebruikers Gilde

Sandra Migchielsen, Michel Oey & Saskia Robben (2022),1-58 download

Roadmap eHealth Gebruikers Gilde

Sanne Muiser, Paulien Melis, Michel Oey & Saskia Robben (2022),1-18 download

Impact meten van eHealth innovatieprojecten

Joey van der Bie & Nienke Nijhof (2021)Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

Steeds FAIRder. Verslag van het Urban Vitality zaaigeldproject 'FAIR: geen woorden maar data'

Niek van Ulzen, Anne de Jong, Marije Kanis, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Núria Queralt-Rosinach, Marco Roos & Ronald Cornet (2020),Hogeschool van Amsterdam download » External link

What can we learn from Corona times? Fragments from the Internet

Marije Kanis (2020)Figshare, V0.43,Hogeschool van Amsterdam,Amsterdam download

Factsheet kenmerken ouderen en (digitaal) bewegen

Marije Kanis & Berber Nauta (2020)Versie 3.1,Mens in Beweging, HvA,Amsterdam download » External link

Overzicht meetinstrumenten Urban Vitality: Onderzoek naar kwetsbare ouderen

Marije Kanis, Anne de Jong en Niek van Ulzen (2020)Mens in Beweging, Hogeschool van Amsterdam,Figshare, Macmillan Publishers,Amsterdam download » External link

Podcast Knowledge Know, Aflevering 7 met

Marije Kanis, Presentatie Marlies Dinjens ism Daan Merkenhof (2020)op Spotify,(K)NOW #1, HvA, DMCI,Amsterdam » External link

Denken en kijken op een nieuwe manier: Vriendschap van Lego en karton - Lectoraat Digital life

Interviews met Marije Kanis, Somaya Ben Allouch (2020)Jaarmagazine (K)NOW #1 [1],HvA, Kenniscentrum DMCI,Amsterdam,10-11 download

Leuke tips & tricks voor (digitaal) bewegen

Maaike Bommerson, Amy van Lith, Marije Kanis & Berber Nauta (2020)Mens in Beweging,Hogeschool van Amsterdam download

Activiteiten dagboekje: One week in the life of...

Amy van Lith, Maaike Bommerson, Marije Kanis & Berber Nauta (2020)Mens in Beweging,Hogeschool van Amsterdam download

Beweegtool Foxfit voor kinderen met astma

Annette Brons, Katja Braam, Aline Broekema, Annieck, Ricken - Timmerman, Bart Visser, Karel Millenaar, Raoul Engelbert & Ben Kröse (2019)Inspiratie 29(1),V&VN Longverpleegkundigen,14-16 download

Bots in de zorg: hoe kunnen sociale robots bijdragen aan betere zorg?

Somaya Ben Allouch & Lex van Velsen (2019)Tijdschrift voor Human Factors,Human Factors NL,16-19 download

How is the caregiver doing? Capturing caregivers’ experiences with a reflective toolkit (presentation slides)

Lilian Bosch, Marije Kanis, Julia Dunn, Kearsley Stewart & Ben Kröse (2019)Presented at CHI 2019 4th Symposium on Computing and Mental Health: Designing Ethical eMental Health Services, JMIR Mental Health,Glasgow download » External link

Revealing design: Physical & Visual results

Marije Kanis, Monique Pijls & Shavonda Kewaldar (2019)Digital life,Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences download

Zichtbaar slimmer: Resultaten in beeld

Marije Kanis, Shavonda Kewaldar & Monique Pijls (2019)Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Digital life, 2019,Amsterdam download

Hoe maak je data tastbaar? Voorbeelden van (data) fysicalisatie

Marije Kanis, Shavonda Kewaldar & Monique Pijls (2019),Hogeschool van Amsterdam,Amsterdam download

Wat stimuleert kinderen met astma om meer te gaan bewegen? - Ideeën van het kind, de ouder en de zorgverlener

Annette Brons, Katja Braam, Aline Broekema, Bart Visser, Raoul Engelbert, Teatske Altenburg, Mai Chin a Paw & Annieck Timmerman (2018)Beweegreden,Vereniging van Oefentherapeuten Cesar en Mensendieck (VvOCM),11-13 download

Datakaartjes voor datafysicalisatie

Marije Kanis & Monique Pijls (2018)Zichtbaar slimmer, Hogeschool van Amsterdam download

Checklist onderzoek 2.0

Marije Kanis (2018)Hogeschool van Amsterdam download

Research Checklist - English edition

Marije Kanis (2018)Hogeschool van Amsterdam download

Zorg voor ontwerp in de zorg

FIT consortium (2017),Amsterdam download

Care for design in care

FIT consortium (2017),Amsterdam download

FIT folder Dementheek

FIT Consortium (2017),Amsterdam download

FIT folder Duofiets

FIT consortium (2017),Amsterdam download

Nieuwsbrief FIT oktober 2017

Ben Kröse & Marieke Janssen (2017) download

Visual behandelprotocol revalidatie na een heupfractuur

Marleen Post, Robbert Kruijne, Margriet Pol, Pascal Wiggers, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Raoul Engelbert & Bart Visser (2016),Hogeschool van Amsterdam download

Factsheet over het project Hipper: Behandelprotocol revalidatie na een heupfractuur

RAAK Publiek HIPPER (2016),Hogeschool van Amsterdam download

Behandelprotocol revalidatie na een heupfractuur – RAAK Publiek HIPPER, 2016, Hipper rapport R2.3/2016

Marleen Post, Robbert Kruijne, Margriet Pol, Pascal Wiggers, Margo van Hartingsveldt, Raoul Engelbert & Bart Visser (2016),Hogeschool van Amsterdam download

Het Hipper sensorsysteem, Hipper rapport R3.5/2016

Ahmed Nait Aicha, Sven Haitjema & Pascal Wiggers (2016),Hogeschool van Amsterdam download

Handleiding Hipper Systeem - Behorend bij het behandelprotocol en sensor systeem, Hipper rapport R5.1/2016

Marleen Post, Robbert Kruijne, Margiet Pol, Ahmed Nait Aicha, Sven Haitjema, Bart Visser & Pascal Wiggers (2016),Hogeschool van Amsterdam download

Cursusboek Hipper - 2-daagse cursus over het gebruik van sensormonitoring bij heuprevalidatie, rapport R5.4/2016

Robbert Kruijne, Margriet Pol & Marleen Post (2016),Hogeschool van Amsterdam download

Revalidatie na een heupfractuur, rapport R5.4/2016

RAAK Publiek HIPPER (2016),Hogeschool van Amsterdam download

Producten en diensten ter ondersteuning van thuis wonen met dementie

Consortium FIT, Tekst: Lilian Bosch, Marieke Janssen (Hogeschool van Amsterdam), Sabine Wildevuur (Waag Society). Eindredactie Waag Society (2016) download

De mens zien bij dementie

Consortium FIT, eindredactie Hester van Zuthem en Sabine Wildevuur (Waag Society) (2016) download

Hackathon FIT 'De mens zien bij dementie'

Marieke Janssen (2016) download

De rol van innnovatieve technologie in het stimuleren van sport en bewegen in de steden Amsterdam en Eindhoven

Joan Dallinga, Mark Janssen, Joey van der Bie, Nicky Nibbeling, Ben Kröse, Jos Goudsmit, Carl Megens, Marije Baart de la Faille-Deutekom & Steven Vos, (2016)Vrijetijdstudies, nummer 2, jaargang 34,NRIT Media,43 - 57

Samenvatting project FIT

Marieke Janssen (2016) download

Tips & oplossingen voor de mantelzorger

Lilian Bosch & Marije Kanis (2016)Digital life, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, 2016 download

Slimme systemen voor de toekomst

Marije Kanis & Ben Kröse (2014),Hogeschool van Amsterdam,Amsterdam download

Hoe is het nu met... Mens voor de Lens

Marianne Kroon (2014)SIA Magazine Juni,4-9 download » External link

Hoe gaat het met mij? Gezondheidsgegevens via smartphones, sensoren en social media

Ben Kröse (2013)De informatiemaatschappij van 2023, G.J. van Bussel (Ed),HvA, lectoraat Digital Archiving & Compliance,128-135 download

Checklist onderzoek (oude versie)

Marije Kanis & Saskia Robben (2013),HvA,Amsterdam download

Innovation in health care: Together with end users

Marise Schot, Miriam Reitenbach, Ron Boonstra, Saskia Robben, Pascal Wiggers, Margriet Pol, Marije Kanis, et al. (2013)Health-lab,Amsterdam, NL download » External link

Innoveren in de zorg samen met de eindgebruiker

Marise Schot, Miriam Reitenbach, Ron Boonstra, Saskia Robben, Pascal Wiggers, Margriet Pol, Marije Kanis, et al. (2013)Health-lab,Amsterdam, NL download » External link