presentaties van de minor Intelligent Environments
Vanmiddag hebben de 30 studenten van de minor Intelligent Environments hun projecten gepresenteerd op een poster/demo sessie. De kwaliteit was dit jaar zeer hoog! Innovatieve oplossingen voor slimme omgevingen op verschillende terreinen werden gepresenteerd: gezondheid, fitness, urban farming en schermen in de openbare ruimte.
Een interessant project was deze:
- Understanding movement patterns of older adults in home care settings, by Youssef Elkhayami, Bart Buijse & Graeham Blank: A study investigating whether older adults can correctly estimate their daily exercise patterns. A smartphone was used which the elderly study participants had to carry with them. This data was then compared with self-reports. Interestingly, the cobined data showed that the elderly overestimated their exercise activities.