The art of growing old together
Social contacts and encounters in the neighbourhood are important for the people who live there. It also encourages community residents to live together and, in particular, people with early dementia. Artificial Intelligence (AI) artworks can play a role in this: they are rich in interaction and promote social contact.
The recently started project 'It takes a village to grow old' emphasizes the importance of working together with the citizens of the Vondel/Helmersbuurt in Amsterdam on a dementia-friendly neighbourhood. This research responds to the need of people with dementia to continue living at home in the neighbourhood where they feel comfortable and safe.
Nationally, one in five Dutch people develop dementia. Due to the aging of the population, the number of people with dementia will increase rapidly in the coming years. Three-quarters of them simply live at home. They form a vulnerable group: the risk of social isolation and loneliness is increasing.
In this way, various parties will work together with Stadsdorp Vondel/Helmers to work on the development of a place where people with dementia can meet each other by using art and technology.
The Digital Life research group of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences takes responsibility for the technology in this: how can you use AI - related to art - for health and well-being? In what way does technology promote social support, but also a sense of involvement and security? And to what extent are ethical aspects such as privacy taken into account?
'It takes a village to grow old' shows in any case: rather a good neighbour than a distant friend!